Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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The Worship Space

We at Epiphany are blessed with a wonderful worship space. Built in 1967 in the Scandinavian Modern Style, it is elegant in its simplicity, with an abundance of natural wood and stained glass windows.  We love to decorate this space according to the season.

The choir usually sits in the pews to the left of the Sanctuary. The organ console and piano are to the right.

There are two lecterns. The Scriptures and Prayers of the People are read from the lectern on the left. The sermon is preached from the pulpit on the right.

Although we are not a "high" church, we love our liturgy! Banners are often used. At times of the Feasts we have been known to use a colorful swirling kite. We have also been blessed with a wonderful group of acolytes that enhance our liturgy.

Seats are unreserved (and free). You may sit anywhere you like. Don't be surprised if you are warmly greeted by your neighbor in the pew!